In the event of injury, is it better to apply cold or, on the contrary, what should we use is heat? It is one of the most asked questions in consultation, so we would like to resolve this question in a generalized way.

Image 1: heat or cold

As a general rule:

- If the injury occurs in the back or we are sure it is a muscle contracture, we will apply heat to the area.

- After physical exercise apply cold.

- In case of traumatic injuries such as blows, sprains or breaks, follow the following advice:

• Acute injuries: (less 3 days from the injury)

We will apply cold until 72 hours after traumatic injuries if we notice that we have red, bulging or reddened area. Maintain the application of cold 20 minutes being able to repeat the operation 3 and 5 times a day allowing at least 2 hours between each one.

• Subacute injuries: (between 3rd day and 1 month since the injury)

We will alternate cold and heat by direct application (bags or gels), containers with cold and hot water or in the shower. The application will be 3'calor + 2'frío + 3'calor + 2'frío + 3'calor. Being able to repeat the operation 3 and 5 times a day allowing at least 2 hours between each of them. Remember that if we do physical exercise and we notice swelling or redness we will apply cold immediately afterwards.

• Chronic injuries: (more than 1 month since the injury)

Apply heat for 20 minutes and can repeat the operation 3 and 5 times a day allowing at least 2 hours between each. Also, remember that if we do physical exercise and we notice swelling or redness we will apply cold immediately afterwards.

Image 2: cold contraindications

Cold contraindications:

- Raynaud's syndroms
- Heart problems
- Alterations of circulation
- Hypersensitivity or allergy to cold
- Acute inflammation of unknown origin or fever

Image 3: heat contraindications

Heat contraindications:

- Heart problems
- Alterations of sensitivity
- Wounds, ulcers, burns
- Fever
- Varicose veins
- Lymphedema

- Diabetes

sciatica pain relief hot or cold

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